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PopUpPlay can help you create an amazing parks and rec, community organization, scouts or school event. We promote kind and prosocial communities, reinforce academic skills, and energize young people and families with playful exploration. 


Our playful experiences include a featured activity, expert instruction, individual kits and take-home crafts. Play-shops can be adjusted for ability and mapped to curricula, standards and academic goals. PopUpPlay will facilitate a one time session or ongoing play-shop series. 


Review our play-shop offerings below or contact us to design your own series. 

Pearl Mirror

Construct a Dollhouse 

Calling all future architects, builders, designers and model makers! Designers will build and decorate a dollhouse or superhero lair complete with action figures and furniture. Creativity is encouraged! Creators can design anything they'd like: a home, office building, gas station, museum or superhero hideout. Participants will use our starter kit to construct all elements of their house. 


Build a Scribble Bot

Wow! This one's cool.  Participants will design, make and take home a real working robot that draws on its own. Explore vibration, circuits, energy and motors in this flexible activity. 

PopUpPlay is ready to fly! Come to _spru

Make Things Fly

Explore the science of flight. Design and build catapults, kites, wings or airplanes and test your creations with a series of obstacles and targets. Participants will enter our virtual invention lab and use available materials to solve building challenges. 

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Salad Spinner Spin Art

We'll explore all things circular in this creative experience. Participants will make their own keepsake spin art (using individual salad spinners), experiment with centripetal forces and water. Upgrade the experience with a hula hoop festival. 

Child with Slime

Slime Shop

Gooey, stretchy and so messy! Slime entrepreneurs will make slime and slime related gooey recipes! This event can be customized for slime experts and novices. Take this to the next level with a full slime series and have young people design a slime shop business. 

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Superhero Training Camp

Do your kids know that they have superpowers? In this interactive session young people will design a superhero identity and go through a series of 'superhero training' games and activities to find out how they can go from bystander to upstander and support their friends, classmates and community! Young people will explore their ability to make a difference in the world. 


Build a Cardboard Vehicle

Ready, Set, Go! In this play-shop particpants will design their own cars, airplanes, boats and spaceships using building kits designed by PopUpPlay.  After a build session young people can test and race their vehicles on our raceway. 


Pizza Box Puppets

Collaboratively design a puppet theater, scenery, puppets and a story. Upgrade the experience to build a full series culminating in the performance of an original puppet show. 

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Paint and Print

Make your own paints and then use them to create one of a kind artwork. PopUpPlay staff will lead party guests through new painting techniques to create a personal masterpiece. Painting's not your thing? Don't worry. We'll explore stunning printmaking techniques, shaving cream tie dye and more. 


Paper Cuts

Transform lunch bags into art with scissors, and a glue stick. Upgrade this experience to add a pendulum painting station as well.


Shadow Arts

In this multidisciplinary event young people will explore the STEAM concepts of light, shadow and transparency with the world's oldest form of puppetry. Shadow puppetry emerged from China, India and Indonesia and is recognized by UNESCO as a form of intangible cultural heritage.  We'll make amazing paper shadow puppets and put on a creative virtual show using only household materials. This event has serious WOW factor and can be scaled for children of all abilities.

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Egg Carton Creatures

Design 3D Egg Carton portraits connected to science themes, literacy goals or other student interests. This play-shop uses recycled materials to create masterpieces.

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Design Your Own

Not seeing the activity you need? Fill out the 'Book Your Event' interest form and we'll work with you to design a custom experience for your class.

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351 Woodlyn Dr. Collegeville PA 19426

© 2020 by PopUpPlay

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